PictureRoutines 1.9 APK

People with special needs like an intellectual or cognitivedisability, ASD or difficulty with focus can use a little extrahelp getting through their daily activities and tasks withoutbecoming stressed and anxious. Make the day visual! Create pictureschedules and checklists for a clear step-by-step overview of thedaily activities and tasks using pictures, timers, speech andalarms in our online planner on pictureroutines.com and use themwith this app on your phone or tablet. We know from experience whata difference a clear visual schedule can make by reducing stressand anxiety and increase self reliance! With this app and theonline planner on pictureroutines.com you can: - Create schedulesand checklists with pictures and photo's in the online planner onpictureroutines.com and synchronize them to this app - Use alarmnotifications to help start activities on time - Use check-boxes tokeep track of completed activities - Use countdown timers to helpkeep track of the schedule - Use speech to help keep focus on theactivity at hand - Use checklists to make difficult activities moremanageable by splitting them in individual steps - Use instructiontexts and videos - Display analog or digital clocks Please note:this app is part of a paid subscription on pictureroutines.com;test it for free for 30 days without any obligations. Contact us ifyou have questions about the product, subscriptions and the app!

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