Plan for the today APK

It is a tool which manages a daily task.
I also think that experience in which the memo was taken in workorstudy is whom.
However, the memo was lost, or when he noticed, the termhadpassed.
Isn't such an experience?
This application enabled the registration from a widget, and alistdisplay.
By making an application easy to start, it is possible toreduceloss of a memo and the risk of a failure to do.

Registration of a task is performed from icon "NEW"
After inputting a task name, a target date, and a priority,itregisters by a back key.
Registration is not performed when there is no input in ataskname.

Task(Today):icon "1D"
Task(less than one week ):icon "1W-"
Task(more than one week ):icon "1W+"

When displaying a task, it classifies by color according tothestate of a task.
Target date over: Red priority
Priority is hight : Thin red
Priority is medium : Thin blue
priority is low : white
completion task : Gray

When the task of which the completion of was done exceeds atargetdate, the task is deleted automatically.

By clicking an applicable task, it moves to a change screen.
Change is updated by a back key like initial registration.

The dialog for deletion is outputted by long aggressiveness [anapplicable task ].
(Deletion is performed by pressing the execution key)

The advertising module of incorporated company mediba iscontainedin this application.
A visitor's user information is collected and classifiedaccordingto the form where an individual cannot be specified, andis usedfor advertising service in it.
The start is being planned in the end of March, 2012.
The following are contained in user information.
History information
Inspection/click history information on an advertisement within?this application
Terminal discernment information
?Android ID
In addition, the object of information gathering is limited tothisapplication.
(a visitor -- a book -- an application -- after download canrefusethe advertising distribution based on these piecesofinformation.)
For details, please confirm a privacy policy (

App Information