Play Apps Updater - PRO 4.0 APK

"Apps Updater" allows you to update onlyselected apps from Google Play Store.
We may not always want to Update All the apps from Google PlayStore and it's quite cumbersome to visit Play Store every time toupdate single required app manually.

The app will check updates of the selected Apps on the Phone andperform automatic installation if at all an update is found forthat app.

This app automates the installed apps update process bybypassing the Google Play Store update feature.

* The app requires Google ID and password to work. If you are notcomfortable sharing it, please do not download the app.
* The app requires a simple 3rd party app to be downloaded awayfrom Play Store. Please enable installation of third party app fromSettings -> Security -> Unknown location
* Disable Google Play Store 'Auto update' apps settings manually byOpening Play Store -> Settings -> Do not auto updateapps.

1. Read our privacy policy and download the updater library.
2. Setup the app with Google Account as used in the Phone alongwith Google Play Store. [Please be patient while the app verifiesall required info.]
3. Select the Schedule during which the app will be run (we don'twant to drain phone's battery!)
4. Select the apps to be updated automatically if at all an updateis found in Google Play Store.
5. Close the app and get back to your work again.

1. Auto update selected apps either over wifi or both data &wifi.
2. Schedule checking for updates - every day or alternate days orweekly.
3. Run manual update of all the Selected apps together (unlikeGoogle Play Store where you have to update each app one byone).

* Google Play Store, Gmail are copyrighted terms of Google.

App Information