Pool Pong 1.1 APK

Remember in junior school when the other bullykids used to give you hard time at school and tried to annoy youall the time?? Well our innocent boy Ben has been facing the sametrouble. He is shallow and not too much adept into sports; he facesissues in school but wanted to take a swimming challenge. All theother kids give him hard time performing in the pool challenge. Sonow ben is out there trying to do something daring. All kids arearound the pool with intentions to hurt Ben or make him lose thechallenge. But its first dare time for our pool pong challenge sowe give Ben the facility of a trick. In the pool he has to catchthe duck toys as well as miss or avoid the air rings coming in hisway to be safe from the interfering bully kids. As soon as therings comes in his way he can change his direction or else he willflow away from the duck losing the pool pong challenge. So let thestreams of pool flow in honor of the daring kid.

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