Potato Soup Recipes 1.0 APK

Yummy Potato Soup Recipes
Yummy soups are just perfect to make any day warm. Along withwarmth, taste and nutrition is also concerned with soup. How isabout potato soups? It requires easy making procedure and serveswith great taste and full of nutrition as well. Think of a day whenyou are pretty much tired to cook. But you and other family membersare very hungry. Then you would have to make something easy andquick. It is short and simple about ingredients too. So, it is thesimplest and quickest choice when you are hungry and tired aswell.
At the end of the month all the groceries come near aboutfinishing. We have to think a lot about what to make, how to make.Sometimes we want to cook something but could not cook because oflack of ingredients. In such situation, potato soups can be a greatsolution. Generally potatoes, onions etc. are available ineveryone’s house. Simple ingredients can make yummy potato soupthat too in a short time. It would fill your stomach along withtaste. It is usually children’s favorite soup. Mothers also love itas they are easy to prepare.
Here we are discussing a short and simple potato soup recipe forthose who want to make this yummy soup at home. Firstly let’s getall the ingredients. We would need:
Four large potatoes
Two large onions
chicken broth
one cup of water
black pepper
crushed red pepper
one cup of milk
one can chicken soup
grated cheese
At first take the skin out of the potato and onion and dice them.Take the potatoes, onions, broken fettuccine and chicken broth in acooking pot. Add water, salt and pepper to it. Put the pot intomedium heat. Keep stirring so that the soup does not burn. Givesome time to potatoes, onions and fettuccine to be tender. Now itis time to add milk and chicken soup. Keep it on low boil. The soupshould not burn. When you think the soup is done, put down theheat. Then add the grated cheese. The cheese would melt and getmixed with the soup. The soup is yummy when hot and thick. If thesoup turns into over thick then you may add some milk. Your creamypotato soup is ready.
The soup generally comes with creamy cheesy taste. It is wellserved when it is hot. You could serve it along with bread orcrackers. Or you may only eat the soup. It is healthy as well asdelicious. It is so easy with the recipe that anyone would try itat home and make yummy potato soup. The time when we are hungry butdo not have energy to cook, we may prepare this soup. It is betterthan any readymade snacks. It takes less time but serves with greattaste. That is what we want about quick recipe.

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