Predix in Action APK

Dive into a fully-immersive exploration of theIndustrial Internet of Things (IoT) in this visit to an underseaoil and gas site. Then lift off in your own helicopter for furtherexamples of the IoT in action. You'll respond to early warningalerts and race to repair a pipeline breach in the freezing deepsea darkness, and you'll navigate around weather turbulence toperform an emergency rescue. Thanks to cutting-edge analyticsoftware, you’ll get real-time insight and guidance to completethese critical tasks.

This new VR experience offers examples of how the Predix cloudplatform can make the Industrial IoT a reality. Predix letsdevelopers connect machines and devices, manage industrial data,and transform the way that industries work – from oil and gas tohealthcare to manufacturing to aviation – and everything inbetween. Enjoy traveling to the bottom of the ocean and across thesky — and stay tuned for new challenges.

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