Pro Belo Horizonto Mobilidade 1.3.4 APK

Com este aplicativo, com instrução falada em Português,
Inglês e Espanhol, turistas, visitantes e residentes emBeloHorizonte e região tem em seu aparelho celular Android tudoqueprecisa para sua Mobilidade, Segurança e Localização na Capitaleem toda a região metropolitana.
1 - Chamadas de emergência ao SAMU, bombeiros e polícias comapenasum toque na e tela
2 - Consulta e situação dos Voos no Aeroporto Internacional
3 - Horários de ônibus e compras de passagem on line.
4 - Tirar Fotos direto do aplicativo.
5 - Acessar suas redes sociais, enviar e-mails eoutrosrecursos
direto sem precisar fechar o aplicativo.

With this app with spoken instruction in Portuguese
English and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents inBeloHorizonte and region have on your Android mobile deviceeverythingyou need for your Mobility, Location and Security inCapital andthroughout the metropolitan area.
1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU (Ambulance), firemen andpolicemenwith just a touch on the screen and
2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport
3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.
4 - Take photos directly from the application.
5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resources
Direct application.

We are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.

Estamos abertos a críticas e sugestões que visem melhoraraindamais o aplicativo bem como, incluir outras cidades de assimqueformos solicitados. Muito obrigado por instalar oaplicativo.

Con esta aplicación con la instrucción hablada en portugués
Turistas ingleses y españoles, los visitantes y los residentesenBelo Horizonte y región tener en su dispositivo móvil Androidtodolo necesario para su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en lacapitaly en toda la zona metropolitana.
1 - Las llamadas de emergencia a los SAMU (ambulancia), bomberosypolicías con sólo un toque en la pantalla y
2 - Consulta y estado de los vuelos en el Aeropuerto
3 - Horarios Bus, metro y compras online pass.
4 - Tome fotos directamente desde la aplicación.
5 - Consigue tus redes sociales, enviar correos electrónicos yotrosrecursos
desde la aplicación.

Estamos abiertos a las críticas y sugerencias paraseguirmejorando la aplicación, así como incluir otras ciudades, asíquepedimos. Gracias por instalar la aplicación.

With this app with spoken instruction in Portuguese
English and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents ofBeloHorizonte and region has on your mobile device Androideverythingyou need for your Mobility, Location and Security in thecapitaland throughout the metropolitan area.
1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU, firemen and policemen with justatouch on the screen and
2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport
3 - Bus schedules and online ticket purchases.
4 - Take photos directly from the application.
5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resources
     straight without closingtheapplication.

With this app with spoken instruction in English
Inglês and Spanish tourists, visitors and residents inBeloHorizonte and region have on your Android mobile deviceeverythingyou need for your Mobility, Location and Security inCapital andthroughout the metropolitan area.
1 - Emergency calls to the SAMU (Ambulance), firemen andpolicemenwith just a touch on the screen and
2 - Query and status of flights at the International Airport
3 - Timetable bus, subway and shopping online pass.
4 - Take photos directly from the application.
5 - Get your social networks, send emails and other resources
Direct application.

We are open to criticism and suggestions to Improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.

We are open to criticism and suggestions to improve furthertheapplication as well as include other cities so we ordered.Thankyou for installing the application.

description available
Con this con la aplicación hablada instrucción en portuguese
British tourists y españoles, los y los resident visitors enBeloHorizonte región y tener en su móvil Android device todolonecesario for su movilidad, Ubicación y seguridad en la capitalyen la entire metropolitan area.
1 - Las llamadas Emergency them the SAMU (ambulance),policíasbomberos y sólo con un touch en la pantalla y
2 - Consultation and state of them vuelos en el Aeropuerto
3 - Schedule Bus, metro pass y online shopping.
4 - Take photos directly from la aplicación.
5 - Consigue tus sociales networks, send electronic Correos yotrosresources
     desde la aplicación.

We abiertos criticism y las following suggestions to mejorandolaaplicación, así how to include otras ciudades, así we asked.Graciaspor la aplicación install.

App Information