Pro Rio Mobilidade Free 1.0.2 APK

Instale este aplicativo para suamobilidade,segurança e localização na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.Install thisapplication to your mobility, safety and location inRio de JaneiroCity.
1 - Para localizar um endereço ou nome use o microfone ou escrevaetecle na Lupa para localizar no mapa. Ligue o GPS e sigaaorientação até chegar.
2 - Para acessar informações dos Aeroportos ou EstaçãoRodoviáriaNovo Rio
clique no botão com a imagem correspondente.
3 - Para ligação de emergência ao SAMU - Ambulância públicadeserviço
de emergência nos casos de acidente ou situações graves,Bastaclicar uma .única vez no botão com a imagem correspondenteeaguardar a ligação se completar automaticamente.
4 - Para chamar a Polícia Militar clique no botão com aimagemcorrespondente e confirme a seguir a discagem.
5 - Para outras urgência como Corpo de Bombeiros, DelegaciadePolícia da Mulher, Polícia Rodoviária Federal basta clicar sobreobotão correspondente e aguardar a chamada que seráfeitaautomaticamente.

1 - To find an address or name, use the microphone type andpressthe Magnifying glass to locate on the map. Turn on the GPSandfollow the guidance to reach.
2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Station
click the button with the corresponding image.
3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceService
emergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just clickone.single time the button with the corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.
4 - To call the Military Police click the button withthecorresponding image below and confirm the dial.
5 - For other urgent as the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on thecorrespondingbutton and wait for the call that will be doneautomatically.

1 - Para buscar una dirección o un nombre, utilice el tipodemicrófono y pulse el Lupa para ubicar en el mapa. Encienda el GPSyseguir la guía para llegar.
2 - Para acceder a la información sobre los aeropuertos oNuevaestación de autobuses de Río haga clic en el botón con laimagencorrespondiente.
3 - Para la conexión a la emergencia del SAMU - AmbulanciadeServicios Públicos
emergencia en caso de accidente o de situaciones graves,Simplementehaga clic en uno. una sola vez el botón con laimagencorrespondiente y esperar a que la conexión se complete deformaautomática.
4 - Para llamar a la Policía Militar haga clic en el botón conlaimagen correspondiente abajo y confirme la esfera.
5 - Por otra urgencia como el cuerpo de bomberos, la PolicíaFederalde Carreteras del Departamento de Policía de las mujeressimplementehaga clic en el botón correspondiente y esperar a quela llamada quese realiza de forma automática.
Sugestões e críticas para e-mail:

Install thisapplicationto your mobility, safety and location in Rio de JaneiroCity.Install this application to your mobility, safety and locationinRio de Janeiro City.
1 - To find an address or name, or use the microphone type andpressthe magnifying glass to locate on map. Turn on the GPS andfollowthe guidance to reach.
2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Station
click the button with the corresponding image.
3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceService
emergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just clickone.single time the button with the corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.
4 - To call the Military Police click the button withthecorresponding image below and confirm the dial.
5 - For other urgent as the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on thecorrespondingbutton and wait for the call that will be doneautomatically.

1 - To find an address or name, use the microphone type andpressthe magnifying glass to locate on the map. Turn on the GPSandfollow the guidance to reach.
2 - To access information on airports or New Rio Bus Station
click the button with the Corresponding image.
3 - For connection to the emergency SAMU - PublicAmbulanceService
emergency in case of accident or serious situations, Just oneclick.single team the button with the Corresponding image and waitfor theconnection to be completed automatically.
4 - To call the Military Police click the button withtheCorresponding image below and confirm the dial.
5 - For the other urgent the Fire Department, PoliceDepartmentWomen's Federal Highway Police just click on the buttonandCorresponding wait for the call que will be doneautomatically.

1 - To get una dirección un nombre, utilice type micrófono yelpush el Magnifier to ubicar en el map. Encienda GPS el yllegarguide to follow her.
2 - use to access la información sobre los AeropuertosNuevaEstacion de autobuses de Río haga clic en el botón con laimagencorrespondiente.
3 - To plug a la la del SAMU emergency - ambulancePublicOperation
emergency en accidente the case of serious Situaciones, haga clicenuno Simplemente. una sola el botón time con la imagenycorrespondiente wait until it is complete plugautomatically.
4 - To llamar a la Policía Militar haga clic en elbotóncorrespondiente con la imagen y abajo confirm hersphere.
5 - Why such urgency otra el cuerpo de Bomberos, la PolicíaFederalde Carreteras Department Policía del las mujeres simply hagaclicen el correspondiente botón y la llamada wait until that isdoneautomatically.
Suggestions and criticisms to email:

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