Proof of Quilt 1.2 APK

The puzzle Proof of Quilt is one of manypencil-and-paper puzzles.
An instance of Proof of Quilt consists of an m × n rectangularboard of unit squares. Each square is either white or black, andsome black squares contain a number. A candidate solution to thepuzzle consists of filling
in some of the white squares with a black half-square (isoscelesright triangle filling half the area); white squares may also beleft entirely white. Each number in a black square specifies thenumber of b/w squares that should be among four (vertically orhorizontally adjacent) neighbors of the black square. (A blacksquare without a number allows any number of b/w neighbors.) Theobjective of the puzzle is to fill the white squares in the givenboard while satisfying the above constraints and so that theremaining white area consists only of (empty) squares andrectangles.

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