Pt-Global 1.0.2 APK

The Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA)sets the standard of nutritional assessment. The PG-SGA is thepreeminent interdisciplinary patient assessment (weight, intake,symptoms, functional status, disease state, metabolic stress, andnutritional physical examination) in oncology and other chroniccatabolic conditions. The Pt-Global app facilitates all health careprofessionals (e.g., dietitians, nurses, doctors and others) inperforming an easy and systematic screening for nutritional risk,for nutritional assessment, interventional triageing for, and fornutritional monitoring during and after intervention. The Pt-Globalapp facilitates consistent scoring and use of validatedmultilingual translations of the PG-SGA that will facilitate asignificantly broader utilization for the paper-based version ofthe PG-SGA currently used in research and clinical practicesettings. The Pt-Global app currently targets professional use,with the intent that the patient can complete the patient partindependently in the clinical or research setting. In the future,as we further develop the app and increase the available languages,we aim to make the patient part of the app downloadable for thepatient offering the opportunity to be completed independently bythe patient. During the past two decades, the PG-SGA and its ShortForm (PG-SGA SF or abridged version) has been the basis for morethan 150 publications and scientific presentations; multiplemasters and doctoral theses and dissertations; book chapters; andeducational programs and has been formally translated, as well asreviewed for accuracy by professionals, and used broadly worldwide.The Pt-Global app has been designed for use on a tablet or a largescreen smartphone. The development of the Pt-Global app wascommissioned by dr. Faith Ottery, MD, PhD, FACN and the Researchand Innovation Group in Health Care and Nursing of the HanzeUniversity of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands.

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