Quit Smoking Hypnosis Pro 1.1 APK

If you are completely 100% committed to do what it takes to quitsmoking once and for all, then download this program and takeaction now. Although smoking is a physical addiction, it can beovercome mentally by reconditioning your mind's thought processthrough hypnosis. If you truly understand the health risks andfinancial burdens of smoking, then you know the importance ofquitting. Let's dive into the 4 content packed audios included inthis program: 1). "Quit Smoking- Preparation" (This first audio isFREE so you can try before you buy the full package) Listen to thishalf-hour track 1-2 weeks before the actual day you will bequitting. As its name suggests, it will prepare you during yourfinal week or two of smoking. It will do this by: conditioning youto hypnosis, addressing your reasons for quitting, easing you intoyour last day of being imprisoned to smoking, and allowing yourunconscious habit to be made more conscious to you. This trackshould be listened to as much as you can during those final weeks.2). "Smoking Cessation" You will listen to this track only once, onthe day you free yourself from Cigarettes. It addresses such areasas: your first smoking experience, reinforcing your reasons toquit, developing a new self-image, your smoking triggers,replacement behaviors, and creating a compelling future. 3)."Smoke-Free Sleep Track" Start listening to this track as you fallasleep at night on the day you listened to the Smoking CessationTrack and freed yourself from cigarettes. You should listen as yougo to sleep for at least 2 weeks from the day you quit. It willhelp to reinforce your replacement anchor, your reasons forquitting, and pulling you forward into your positive, compellingfuture. It may also help you sleep better! 4). "Smoke-FreeReinforcement Booster" This short, booster track can be listened toas much as you'd like once you're free from cigarettes. Listen tothis to address any cravings that may come up, for any situationsthat may have triggered you to smoke in the past, and to quicklyreinforce your reasons for releasing cigarettes and smoking fromyour life. We've worked hard to build the absolute best "QuitSmoking" hypnosis program in the world. Enter the world of Mindifi.

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