Quran Kareem English Translation 1.2 APK

We are here with this beautiful app Al-Quran with Englishtranslation. Al Quran: A Source of Guidance The ultimatemanifestation of God's grace for man, the ultimate wisdom, and theultimate beauty of expression: in short, the word of God. If onewere to ask any Muslim to depict it, most likely they would offersimilar words. The Quran, to the Muslim, is the irrefutable,inimitable Word of God. It was revealed by God Almighty, throughthe instrument of Prophet Muhammad (peace be Upon Him). The Prophet(peace be upon him) himself had no role in authoring the Quran, hewas merely a human secretary, repeating the dictates of the DivineCreator: "He (Muhammad-PBUH) does not speak of his own desire. Itis no less than an Inspiration sent down to him." [Noble Quran53:3-4] One of the most important characteristics of the Quran isthat it remains today, the only holy book which has never changed;it has remained free from any and all adulterations. Sir WilliamMuir noted, "There is probably in the world no other book which hasremained (fourteen) centuries with so pure a text." The Quran waswritten down during the lifetime and under the supervision of theProphet, who himself was illiterate, and it was canonized shortlyafter his death by a rigorous method which scrutinized both writtenand oral traditions. Thus its authenticity is unblemished, and isits preservation is seen as the fulfillment of God's promise:Following are the features: -- list of all the surahs of quran --complete translation of every surah -- you can share translationevery others. Download free application today.

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