Read Body Language 1.0 APK

Read body language signs is one of themostfascinating subjects in the world. To be able to read bodylanguageof men or women, what a person wants, thinks and/ or plansto dowithout exchanging a word is exciting.

Contrary to common belief, reading body language is easyenough.We already know the language. We do it all the time. Howmany timesyou have met a person and felt that you need to raiseyour guardagainst the person? How many times have you instantlyliked someoneand got together like a house on fire. These would bethe result ofthe innate ability we all have to read bodylanguage.

So, why should we read any further if we know it already? Itisimportant to identify the signs and know how these conclusionsaredrawn so you can protect yourself from harm and heartbreak. Itisalso important that you know what you highlight and whattodownplay in your own demeanor to ensure that you do not attractthewrong kind of attention and/ or response.

Though it is easy to recognize the various body languagesignsthat indicate love, hostility, subservience,challenge,disagreement, agreement, etc. it is not easy toaccuratelyinterpret these signs without experience. Inexperiencedpersonsoften make the mistake of judging the thoughts and/ or plansof aperson judging by one or two major indicators.

However, this would ensure wrong interpretation becausebodylanguage – as the name indicates – needs to be taken infullcontext. Unless you read the signs transmitted by the wholebodyplus the tone and decibel level of the voice, you cannotreallyread correctly.

The good news is that it is possible to gather information inonequick scan and this app will help you do just that. Thisappattempts to bring to you the key factors that go into thereadingof body language. Be patient. Do not attempt doing too muchtoosoon or you will end up frustrated. As long as you are willingtotake one step at a time, rest assured that you will becomeanexpert at reading body language in no time.

Use this as a tool to improve your relationships at home, atworkand in general with your friends. This is also a very potentdeviceto build your career. You could upgrade your knowledge andexpertisewith practice and very soon you will be able to read yourboss, yourinterviewer, your date and so on. This is a tool, whichindeed willgive you the ability to read a person.

On the other hand, you will know what needs to be done tohideyour fear, insecurity, doubts when you are faced with any typeofproblem. You will also learn how to project confidence usingbodylanguage, how to be happy and how to use body language toyouradvantage.

This app includes:

Chapter 1: What Is Body Language?
Chapter 2: The Telltale Signs of Body Language
Chapter 3: Body Language Facts You Can Use
Chapter 4: The Different Body Languages

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