Reading Challenge 2nd 1 2.0 APK

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복잡하고 지루한 온라인 영어 학습은 이제 그만!
학생들은 재밌게 모바일로 학습하고, 선생님은 간편하게 이메일로 학습결과를 확인 하세요!

1. PC 뿐 아니라 모바일 기기에서도 사용 가능
교재에 포함된 Hybrid CD를 이용해 PC에 설치하고, 학생의 스마트폰이나 테블릿 PC에도 무료앱을 설치해언제어디서나 학습이 가능합니다.

2. 영어 학습을 즐겁게 하는 게임화된 액티비티
학습 동기를 유발 시키도록 재미있게 설계된 다양한 액티비티들을 하다 보면 포인트가 쌓이고, 포인트가 쌓이면서 내캐릭터와영어 실력이 동시에 성장하게 됩니다.

3. 복잡한 LMS없이 선생님 이메일 주소만 있으면 학생 학습 확인 가능
학생 등록, 반 배정, 학습 할당 등의 복잡한 절차 없이, 학생들은 앱 설치 후 학습만 하면 됩니다. 지정된선생님이메일로 학습 결과가 전송 되면, 선생님은 로그인만 하면 바로 학습 결과를 확인 하실 수 있습니다.

Reading Challenge Second Edition

Reading Challenge, Second Edition은 고등학생 및 대학생 수준의 학습자들을 위한논픽션독해교재로서 총 3권으로 구성되었다.
이 시리즈는 독해에 중점을 둔 교재이지만, 독해뿐 아니라, 말하기, 듣기,문법, 쓰기, 단어 학습까지 충분히 학습할수있도록 다양하고 풍부한 연습문제를 담았다. 단계가 올라감에 따라서 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 지문에서 자주 반복되는논픽션언어구조와 어휘를 통해서 점점 어렵지만 도전할만한 지문들로 구성이 되어있다.

Reading Challenge 2nd Edition is a three-book,non-fiction,reading series designed for intermediate to advancedEnglishlanguage learners. The series presents a wide range oftopicsthrough controlled language aimed to engage the interest ofreaderswhile ensuring that the content remains accessible. Thegraduatedreading passages found in the three books of the ReadingChallengeseries allow learners to comfortably progress fromeasilyaccessible readings to more challenging ones throughrepeatedexposure to frequently encountered non-fiction languagestructuresand vocabulary. In addition to developing students’reading skills,the exercises in the Reading Challenge seriesprovide learners theopportunity to practice listening, speaking,and writing throughactivities specifically targeting each of theseskills.
개발자 연락처 :
서울시 서초구 서초2동 1360-31 정진빌딩 5층
TEL) 02-3471-0096

Class Booster

Complex and tedious learning English online now stop!
Students will have fun learning to mobile, easy to checkthelearning teachers by email!

1. PC as well as mobile devices can be used in
Installed on the PC using the Hybrid CD contains the textbook,andeven a smartphone or tablet PC for students install a freeappavailable anywhere, anytime learning.

2. gamification activities to entertain theEnglishlearning
It is a variety of fun activities designed to induce motivationlookat the points piling up, the point ssatyimyeonseo will growincharacter and English language skills at the same time.

3. If only the teacher e-mail addresses can be checkedwithoutcomplex LMS Student
Student Enrollment, without complicated procedures suchasplacement, learning assignments, students are just learningappafter installation. When given teacher learning results willbesent to you, teachers can check the results of your studyjustsimply login.

Reading Challenge Second Edition

Reading Challenge, Second Edition consisted of a total ofthreenon-fiction reading materials for high school and collegelevelstudents.
Although the series focused on teaching readingcomprehension,reading comprehension as well as speaking, listening,grammar,writing, diverse enough to help learn words and captured arichlearning exercises. Getting through a difficult phasenonfictionlanguage structures and vocabulary are often repeated inprint thatcan be easily understood in accordance with this ascendis composedof fingerprints remarkable challenge.

Reading Challenge 2nd Edition is a three-book,non-fiction,reading series designed for intermediate to advancedEnglishlanguage learners. The series presents a wide range oftopicsthrough controlled language aimed to engage the interest ofreaderswhile ensuring that the content remains accessible. Thegraduatedreading passages found in the three books of the ReadingChallengeseries allow learners to comfortably progress fromeasilyaccessible readings to more challenging ones throughrepeatedexposure to frequently encountered non-fiction languagestructuresand vocabulary. In addition to developing students'reading skills,the exercises in the Reading Challenge seriesprovide learners theopportunity to practice listening, speaking,and writing throughactivities specifically targeting each of theseskills.

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