Rental Software 9.1 APK

★ The software is designed for all kindsofindividual, small scale and large scale rental businessesallowingeasy organizing and tracking of all rental units andresourcesavoided a multitude of problems that are facedotherwise.
★ The easy and handy user interface allows checking andcalculatingof all previous professional events, leasing terms andotherimportant notes that are essential for making and takinginstantdecisions. Rental software completely rules out the need ofgoingand searching through extensive paper notes to find out ifacertain rental time is free.
★ The sorting and searching function in the software allows userstoeasily handle all records irrespective of whatever type ofrentalbusiness you have. Businesses that are successfully usingthissoftware include Cars, property and hotel, electronics, videogamesand CDS, heavy equipments, boat, canoe and rowboats andmotorcycleand bike rentals.
★ Rental Software is an easy, speedy and simple software withthemenu depicting 4 icons namely Resources, Clients, ReportsandScheduler.
★ The resources section allows storing of all informationregardingresources to be rented out including time and date ofrentalsconfirmed to clients. You can also keep in notes regardinganyresource in this section and viewing it appointments andclientslist can be determined easily at any time.
★ The Clients section records all personal information oftheclients including addresses, phone numbers and emails. Acompleteprofile of clients can be maintained with previous rentalservicerecords as well and direct phone calls can also be made totheseclients from the program if required.
★ The program also allows the provision of capturing theclient’sand the rental resources photos that can be stored in thedatabasewith other records.
★ The Reports section allows all daily appointments to berecordedinclusive of information such as the particular resource,time anddate of renting resource and total earnings from therentservice.
★ The Scheduler appears in form of a calendar that showsallscheduled appointments for present and previous dates alongwithorder details, total earnings of the day and viewing itnewAppointments can also be fixed easily.
★ All in all Rental Software is one program rental businessescannotsurvive without now.

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