Riyadh As Saliheen English 1.5 APK

Riyadh as-Saliheen (Arabic: رياض الصالحين) (Meaning: The Gardensofthe Righteous) is a compilation of verses from the Qur'anandhadith by Al-Nawawi. It contains about 1750 hadiths dividedacross372 chapters. These hadiths 372 chapters divided into 20bookscategories as follows. - The Book of Miscellany - The Book ofGoodManners - The Book About the Etiquette of Eating - The BookofDress - The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying andSittingetc - The Book of Greetings - The Book of Visiting the Sick- TheBook of Etiquette of Traveling - The Book of Virtues - TheBook ofItikaf - The Book of Hajj - The Book of Jihad - The BookofKnowledge - The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah - The BookofSupplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger -TheBook of the Remembrance of Allah - The Book of Du'a(Supplications)- The Book of the Prohibited actions - The Book ofMiscellaneousahadith of Significant Values - The Book ofForgiveness It isconsidered as one of the most reliable sources ofthe sayings andtraditions of the Holy Prophet (SAWS).Riyadh-As-Saliheen is saidto have a remarkable number of authentic,strong as well as a smallnumber of weak Ahadith. The Ahadithcompiled in this collection byone of the most reputed Imams ofIslamic history cover every aspectof Islamic creed and Muslim moralconduct. It is a complete sourceof advice and guidelines for theentire Muslim Ummah. Some Excitingfeatures of this application -Complete Riyadh as-Saliheen inEnglish. - Easy and quick indexnavigation to hadith books,chapters & hadiths. - With sharefunctionality user can sharehadiths with others on message ordifferent social media. - Withsetting functionality user can changeapplication theme, text size,text color & text style. - keepscreen on functionality keepsthe screen on while reading, user canchange this functionality bygoing into setting. - With last readhadith functionality usereasily navigate to last reading hadith. -With bookmarkfunctionality user can mark favorites hadith intodatabase. - Nointernet or online connection required for reading. -Designed forboth Android mobile phones and tablets. Download thisfreeapplication Riyadh as-Saliheen and easy to utilize collectionofSahih Hadith to gain insight about many of the validAhadithcompiled by Al-Nawawi. NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Dowriteto us if u have suggestions/corrections!

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