Roller King 4.1.2 APK

Family owned and operated since 1977,RollerKing has been host to families, schools, churches,birthdayparties, canned food drives, holiday parties, fundraisers,girlscout troops, P.E. classes, adult nights, dances, lock-ins,andcountless other group activities for the surroundingRosevillecommunity.

Roller King is also proud to be the home of theRosevilleArtistic Skate Club and the many local, regional,national, andeven world champions they have produced over theyears.

Health Facts about skating:

Roller skating is equivalent to jogging in terms ofhealthbenefits, caloric consumption, reduction of body fat, andlegstrength development.

Roller skating is recognized and recommended by theAmericanHeart Association as an aerobic fitness sport.

1 hour of moderate roller skating burns 330 calories for a143pound person. If that same person skates vigorously they willburnup to 590 calories in just 1 hour.

Studies have shown that roller skating provides acompleteaerobic workout and involves all of the body's muscles,especiallythe heart.

The number of calories burned per hour while skating at 6 mphis350 and 600 while skating at 10 mph.

Roller skating is a recognized activity for thePresidentialSports Award by the President's Council on PhysicalFitness andSport.

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