RTCM Converter 1.1 APK

RTCM Converter uses latest Android N (Nougat) features to get rawmeasurements and convert them to RTCM format. PREREQUISITES: Youwill need to connect to your own caster in order to send RTCM data.RTCM data are sent on real-time to your own casters in order to beprocessed by a third party software. GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO rawpseudorange and Doppler measurements are available. Carrier phaseis available for eligible devices. The application supports devicesrunning Android 7 (Nougat) and later but has been validated on a LGNexus 5X and Samsung Galaxy S8+. Android devices compatible can befound here:https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/sensors/gnss.html Seealso PPP WizLite to get a precise positionning. RTCM Converter hasbeen developed and designed by JOCS for the CNES (French SpaceAgency).

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