Rupanyup Primary School 1.0.1 APK

Rupanyup Primary School is situated in theheart of the agricultural region of the Wimmera. Many of ourfamilies derive their income from the land. The nearest majorpopulation centre of Horsham is forty-five kilometres away.Rupanyup has long been a progressive town that takes pride in themaintenance and development of its surroundings. The school is noexception and the 1920’s red brick building is surrounded by nativegardens and well maintained playing areas. The staffroom area is arecent addition to the school, providing staff with a spacious andwell equipped meeting area. A separate art room offers excellentfacilities and all four classrooms are well resourced. The currentenrolment is 41 students. Class sizes are small, and our focus ison individual learning and the development of personal attributessuch as respect for others and self-esteem. Although a ruralcommunity, we offer our students a wide variety of experiencesthrough cultural performances, sport and excursions. We are one ofthe fortunate schools in the state to have a swimming pool withinthe school grounds, and this facility is well utilised by ourstudents over the warmer months. The use of this pool has now beenextended with the addition of solar heating. Rupanyup PrimarySchool is a member of the Dunmunkle Cluster, a group of fiveschools that have long shared resources, Professional Development,staff and planning. In 2004, the cluster entered the Innovations& Excellence program, and we have recently implemented theThinking Curriculum as part of our commitment to VELS.

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