ScanInOne - Barcode, inventory 1.9.5 APK

ScanInOne is an Android application designedfor mobile phones and tablets. Together with Microsoft SQL databaseit offers multiple easy-to-use features in a user-friendlyenvironment, simplifying complicated operations like dataorganization, report generation, print operations and more!

The goal of this project is to create a complete framework wherethe user can perform advanced business operations and dataorganization, which would normally require expensive software andhardware solutions, with "the touch of a finger". So, ScanInOne isa tool that can help you scan items via barcode, manage yourinventory, identify products, print reports and documents, registerand use signatures, insert data manually and more! All thesefunctions are executed within the same platform and all you need isan Android device, either a mobile phone or a tablet.

In addition, you can view and edit your business data anytime youwant, since it is locally stored within the device. This means thatyou carry your data wherever you go, without the need of storing itin a desktop computer or another device that is established on aspecific location.

In futher detail, ScanInOne offers:

1. Scan and Register documents, commands and orders

ScanInOne offers you the ability to use your device's camera as abarcode scanner or an external barcode scanner in order to scandata and create or check documents, orders and commands in a userfriendly environment. Manual barcode input and data registerationare also available!

2. Product identification

With the identification form you can use the device's camera or anexternal barcode scanner in order to get information about anobject in just a few seconds!

3. Adaptable to every scenario that the company needs

ScanInOne has the unique feature that it can adapt to everyscenario that the company needs. You can set up differentconfigurations completely on your own using the Helper Applicationthat is provided for free, thus saving important time andmoney!

4. Dynamic report generation online and offline!

You can generate custom reports offline and print them directlyfrom the device. In addition to that, online Reporting Services arealso supported!

So, why ScanInOne?

-A solution that offers multiple functions at much lower cost thansimilar solutions in the market
-Dynamic setup of the server that is completely independent fromthe application, which means that the application can adapt toevery scenario that the company wants just by following some simpleinstructions
-There is the ability to use external Barcode Scanners (bluetoothor USB) apart from the built-in Camera scanner

Supported barcode formats:

Code 39
QR Code
Code 93
Data Matrix
Code 128 Aztec (beta)
Codabar PDF 417 (beta)

App Information