Secondary School League Tables 1.0 APK

Secondary School Performance League Tables forEngland.

Contains all the latest secondary school data from the Key Stage4 (GCSEs) and Key Stage 5 (A Levels) test results for 2012.

Do you want to know how well your child's school isperforming?

Looking for a new school in your area?

Moving home and unsure what school to send your childrento?

If any of the above apply then the Secondary School League Tablesfor England App can help you make an informed choice.

The Secondary School Performance League Tables App has beendesigned to make it as easy as possible to search, compare and viewvarious Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 statistical data for eachschool.

All data is laid out graphically using a traffic light system soyou can easily compare each school to another school, the localeducation authority average and national average.

You can save up to 10 favourite schools (5 for KS4, 5 for KS5)allowing for a direct comparison between each of your favourites inover 50 key aspects.

Search for a school by school name, address, town orpostcode.

Browse all schools in England.

List of the Top 100 schools in England for both GCSEs and ALevels.

Key Stage 4 and 5 results data for well over 3,000 secondaryschools in England.

Each school shows over 50 pieces of information which arecompared to the Local Authority and National Averages in an easy tofollow layout.

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