Seven Traces 2.2 APK

Seven Traces is an annual nomadiccontemporaryarts festival with shows in different cities.
It consists of seven artists each year, and each year itmightconsist of different artists.
The festival focuses on public and site-specific art but islargelyinclusive.
The festival is like a rhizome that sprouts in random places.

As human beings we leave our marks and footprints where we go,westrive to leave a legacy and a sense of our existence. Tracesissymbolic of this desire to be remembered or simply acknowledged.Ifyou wander deep through a forest you are struck by the thicknessofthe trees, the density of the environment surrounding you andtheencompassing darkness, but if you look close enough you canseewhere animals have trodden the earth, where rain has worn awayatrocks or where plants have sprouted from the ground.

In a time where culture can be seen as dense and as tangledasthe forest, it can be difficult to have our voice heard orourimpact seen but none the less we still leave a trace...

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