Share Browser / SNS Browser 1.11 APK

Let’s say you and a friend are planning atrip, and as you’re surfing the web, you come across a site youwant to show your friend. Using Share Browser, you can share thatsite with your friend and message each other right there on the webpage.

You’ll be able to exchange messages in real-time because thefriend you’ve shared the site with will also be able to writereplies right on the page.

Shared pages are stored in fields, which you’ll give titles(e.g. “Travel”.)

There isn’t a limit on the number of pages you can store in afield, so both you and your friend will be able to message inreal-time back and forth as you continue browsing together.

Of course, you’ll be able to share your fields with more thanjust one person.

But there’s more!
...send messages while you share changes in your online shop withcustomers...
...have open discussions about Web-based news...
...get input on your work from your boss on the fly...

Browsing isn’t something you do sitting alone in front of a screenany longer.

*Double-tap on webpage to add message.
*Flick message to delete.
*Fields last three days for free members.
*Paid membership is ad-free and has longer storage periods forfields.
*Long-press menu button to show function of each button.
*Some sites may not be shareable.

[Our Request]
Please tell us about bugs and unshareable URLs.
Share Browser is still developing.

App Information