Mastering those three fundamentals will allow your child tothrive and prosper when it comes to their vocabulary andreading.
-Audio review of each word, along with an audio spelling
-Removal of a letter and testing whether or not your child canrecognize what letter is missing.
-Recognizing the word by giving your child three words and tellingthem which one to touch.
Sight Words Kindergarten is intended for ages 5-7 with parentalguidance
Chaotic Concoctions provides educational applications for freehowever in order to pay for development and marketing ourapplication does contain ads.
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can make ourservice or create more apps for your children to use please leaveus a comment or send us an email.
Our mission is to provide free education for all and to make itfun and easy for everyone to use.
Chaotic Concoctions is a home designed studio from Stafford,Virginia that makes digital toys for kids. We think that educationshould be free to the whole world. Our mission is to educate ourfuture so that they can strive and succeed in a complex world.However we know that learning can't always be serious so we aredetermined to make learning fun from language to math, and foreignlanguage. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.