Sino-Label 4.2.0 APK

International Label Exhibition with TenYearsof Achievements
Leading Your Way to Green Label Printing and InnovativePackagingApplication
Based in Guangzhou and capitalizing South China’s strengths inlabelprinting, the China International Exhibition on LabelPrintingTechnology (also known as “Sino-Label”) has establisheditself as aremarkable and influential international exhibitioncovering thespectrum of label printing, decoration, processing andtechnologicalapplications. Exhibitors and visitors have praisedSino-label on itscomprehensive scope, quality of products, theshow’s effectivenessas a business platform and services theorganizer provide. Theexhibition has also received extensivesupport from industryassociations, professional visitors anddelegations from home andabroad.
Rapid Growth of China’s Label-Printing Market BringsTremendousOpportunities
China’s consumer goods industry has grown rapidly in recentyears,especially food, cosmetics, daily chemicals,pharmaceuticals,household appliances, as well as the correlatingindustries such asretail, logistics etc. The rapid development ofthese industrieshas led to the great progress in the label printingindustry. In2013, China's label printing industry output value hasreachedRMB30 billion, with annual growth rate of over15%.Correspondingly, label printing equipment and materialsenterprisesin China have also developed quickly, forming acompressive labelprinting industry chain domestically.
The 2013 global digital packaging printing and digitallabelprinting output value reached US$7.3 billion, and willcontinue torise in the next five years. Amongst it, digital labelprintingaccounted to almost 90% at US$6 billion.

Hall 9.1-10.1, Area B, China Import and Export FairComplex,Guangzhou, PR China

2 to 4 March 2016

App Information