SkyTest® UK Preparation App 3.2.4 APK

SkyTest® Preparation App for UK Pilot AptitudeScreenings

– Comprises all features of SkyTest® desktop suite –
– Minimum screen resolution of 1280x800 recommended –

SkyTest® Preparation App for UK Pilot Aptitude Screenings is acomprehensive software suite for pre-hiring aptitude screenings inthe BA FPP and screenings conducted by means of other UK pilotaptitude tests.

The software features five pilot aptitude training modules for UKPilot Aptitude screenings, ten for a BA test preparation, eightreasoning tests, four math, six physics and six technicalcomprehension modules. All of these 39 training modules aredesigned to support sustained performance advancements in key pilotaptitude domains the screenings address like attentiveness,situational awareness and spatial orientation.


SkyTest® Preparation App for UK Pilot Aptitude Screenings includesthe following training modules:

UK Pilot Aptitude Preparation
• Grid Concentration Test
• Hands Information Processing Test
• ILS Tracking Test
• Multidimensional Capacity Test
• Pattern Recognition Test

BA Supplements
• Audio and Visual Attention
• Basketball
• Boxes and Points
• Circles and Bell
• Delayed Number Series
• Friend or Foe
• Flight Capacity Test
• Orientation on Radar Screen
• Radar Backtracking
• Runway Multitasking
• Selective Attention
• Subtraction Speed

Reasoning Tests
• Adaptive Matrices
• Computer Checking
• Cube Comparison Test
• Cube Folding Test
• Diagrammatic Series
• Diagramming
• Symbol Addition
• Visual Analogies

• Math Word Problems
• Mental Arithmetic
• Number Series
• Numerical Estimation

• Electricity
• Magnetism
• Mechanics
• Optics
• Thermodynamics
• Waves

Technical Comprehension
• Electricity
• Mechanics
• Thermodynamics
• Optics
• Reasoning
• General knowledge

Scope of Software

SkyTest® Preparation App for UK Pilot Aptitude Screeningsaccommodates several features to support training experience andoutcome.

Training Modules
• Comprehensive test explanations and interactive First Steps demosto get a quick feeling for the test
• Several default difficulty levels for each training module
• Randomly generated tasks to avert recurring tasks
• Extensive custom settings options for each training module

Performance Statement
• Comprehensive performance analysis after each trainingsession
• Feedback on individual aspects of tests
• Performance graphs to illustrate performance developments intasks

• Stat tool with graphs to illustrate long-term performancedevelopment
• Avg. performance graphs to benchmark your performanceagainst
• Save test results, settings and performance graphs for each testsessions to compare them later

SkyTest® Training Assistant
• Guides you through the training modules to support an efficienttime resourcing and maximize training outcome
• Takes your current performance level into consideration whensuggesting the next training step for a sustained advancement ofyour performance
• Applies difficulty settings that reflect upon your currentperformance and outlines the next steps
• Puts emphasize on tests that returned a below-averageperformance
• Recognizes task aspects that caused you problems and puts morefocus on these

SkyTest® Cloud
• Save your performance data on SkyTest® server to restore yourlast training level in case of re-installation of the app or changeofdevice
• Auto-sync your training levels if you use the software on severaldevices
• Benchmark your performance against anonymized pool performancestats from the SkyTest® community
• Boards to exchange information with other software users
• Support messaging


Training modules of SkyTest® products are similar to original tasksbut not meant to simulate or reproduce actual tests. As this is apreparation product all modules were designed under the premises todeliver gradual performance enhancements in those ability domainsidentified crucial for a successful airline screeningparticipation.

App Information