Slide Puzzle Mics 1.3 APK

Mics is a remake puzzle Android/iOS game onthefamous 15 puzzle. User can choose different puzzle sizes 3x3,4x4,5x5 , and modes : with numbers, from camera (the user takes aphotoand the app generates the puzzle), from image gallery (theuserpicks a photo from the device’s gallery) or from imagesbundled inthe app. After the user chooses the size and mode of thepuzzle hestart playing. The puzzle is a custom puzzle whichre-sizesaccording to the device screen dimensions and orientation.To solvethe puzzle the user needs to click on a piece from thesame row orcolumn as the empty spot. After the puzzle is solved adialog willappear which displays game statistics : number of movesandduration.No ads or commercial notifications at all.

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