SmartManager 1.3 APK

Smart way to manage your voice calls andSMS messages when you are busy in other activities.

Using Smart Manger is pretty simple, It provides very elegantand user friendly toggling interface to “activate” pre-configuredbusy profiles just by a tap and by tapping it again would“deactivate” the profile.

On activation of busy profile,Smart Manager will wait tillcompletion of the voice call and if it is unanswered then AutoResponse SMS message will be sent to the contact as per theactivated profile.

To Identify which profile is currently active
Please refer to Profile Status message which is being displayed onHome Screen Title Bar
In case if no profile is active it will display as ProfileStatus: Turned Off
In case if “Driving” profile is active it will display as HomeProfile Status: Driving Active

To Schedule busy profiles
Go to “Profiles” and select “Schedule” option to schedule your busyprofile. It gets automatically turned on/off based on start time /end time respectively.

Personalize busy profiles
This feature allows to personalize your message to specific groupunder chosen profile.

For example: For a group called "Friends”, you can personalizeyour message under "Driving" profile saying “Dear Friend, Thanksfor Reaching Me. I am in Driving Now. I'll get back to youshortly".

SmartManger doesn't send Automated SMS responses to incomingmessages by default, This feature can be activated under Settingsmenu.

For more detailed information, refer to Help menu inside theapp.

App Information