SME Macroeconomic Risk 2.3 APK

"...small-medium sized businesses (SME),publicsector entities, the communities in which they operate, andsocietyat large are exposed to many factors that are outside thecontrol ofexecutives and policy makers. These exposures span avariety ofinfluences ranging from commodity and financial marketprices,macroeconomic conditions, operational disruptions, humanmisconduct,technological shifts, competitor moves, socio-politicalevents,natural hazards, man-made disasters, etc
Each of these risk areas are addressed through ratherdisparatepractices of financial risk analysis, exposure limits,actuarialmodeling, insurance contracting, alternativerisk-transfer,contingency planning, risk mitigation, preparedness,etc. Businessenterprise and society are also faced with potentialsystemic risksembedded in interacting global markets, worldwideclimatic changes,and threats of international terrorism. All ofthis accentuates aneed for effective strategic risk managementpractices to deal withthese phenomena both at corporate managementand public policylevels."
* Strategic Risk Management (SRM) - Outlining the Contours oftheNew Risk Management Paradigm by Torben Andersen,AssociateProfessor, Copenhagen Business School

The objective of MERA is to provide SME's a self assessmenttoolto score and manage macroeconomic and event risks that impactstheprofitability and growth of SMEs. These risk factorsposechallenges and offer opportunities presented by rapidlychangingbusiness conditions and market dislocations. MERAsizesmacroeconomic and event risks; allowing users to initiateactionsto mitigate threats and initiate actions to capitalize ontheopportunities volatile business cycles present.

This app offers a self assessment framework for users to scoreriskclusters that are often overlooked by SME businessmanagers.

The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB)detailsover 75 macro risk factors confronting SMEs. MERA includesthesefactors as well as others for assessment consideration. Usersmayalso enter user defined factors. Risk factors are color codedandgrouped in 10 Problem Clusters. That include:

public service/ responsibilities

MERA 2.3 includes a series of 70 Key Performance Indicators(KPI)for SMEs.
The KPIs are grouped into 5 areas.
Best Practice Indicators
Employee Indicators
Product Indicators
Financial Indicators
Corporate Matters

MERA's rating scheme allows users to score risk factors anditsimpact on business. Users define actions that will mitigateriskfactors, estimate capital investments required to address riskandcalculate a ROI to determine project priorities,fundingrequirements and expected returns.

MERA aggregates and scores macro enterprise risk , alignsactionsand capital investments required to mitigateaggregatedmacroeconomic and event risk factors confrontingtheenterprise.

Android users require the use of Mobile Office. ManyMobileOffice conversion apps are available for download on GooglePlay. APDF reader and a Zip File Manager are also required to usethisapp; also widely available for no charge on Google Play. Theappdirects users to a Drop Box to pick up a zip file.

Sum2 does not collect or store any data entered into ourMobileBusiness apps. All data entry is done off line.

App Information