sniper live wallpaper 5.00 APK

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basically, it takes three things to be a good sniper, and a wickedshot is the least of them. discipline and cunning are the importantqualities. snipers do not (usually) roam around looking for peopleto shoot. they do not shoot non-combatants, i.e. women andchildren, other unarmed persons, livestock, etc. marine sniperwallpaper. the sniper is either alone, or with one to three otherpeople, depending on the mission requirements. taking shots attargets not worth shooting only increases the risks of beingdiscovered, captured or killed. discipline and patience areessential qualities to have when faced with a shoot or not to shootdecision. ask yourself this do you have a hot temper, do you angerquickly, anger causes the pulse to quicken, which we will discusslater, and may cause careless or irrational behavior, all of whichare bad. marine sniper wallpaper.

do you like to hunt, do you like to hunt alone, have you ever spentan entire week alone no television, no phone, no friends, nofamily, no nothing, have you ever gone camping alone in a remotearea where you saw no one how did it make you feel, what did youthink about what did you do while you were there, was there adifference in your mental state on the first day and the last?snipers are not necessarily loners. in fact, someone who hasproblems relating to other people may not make a good choice. whyis all of this important, a sniper may stalk a target for days toget a shot. he may never get it. marine sniper wallpaper. could youabandon the mission without shooting anything, the window ofopportunity for a shot may last only 3 seconds. if you aredaydreaming, fooling around, eating, or anything else you will notbe successful. you should be studying the kill zone and waiting foryour shot. this is why a spotter or second shooter is so is very erection the eyes to use binoculars or a spotting scopefor more than 20 minutes at a time. marine sniper wallpaper. youand your partner can take turns. you can't change positions whilein your hide. you must remain still at all times to avoiddetection. this sounds easy but it's not. think of a small childwho is just learning to fish.

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