Sokan - Scatter plot & correlation coefficient - 1.2 APK

Is there a correlation between weight and height? Also, istherebetween the latitude and average temperature? You can see ataglance whether there is a correlation by plotting the data onascatter plot. For reference, the correlation coefficient is.[Home]This is a display screen of the scatter plot. It alsodisplays thecorrelation coefficient. And you can check thehistogram of eachdata by swiping the screen. [New File] You canmake a new datafile. In the "Data?" Field, enter numerical data inthe order ofthe horizontal axis (x-axis) and vertical axis (y-axis)separatedby a space. (x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 ....) (e.g. 2.3 2.0 -3.2-2.5 4.04.2 .....) Please input two or more data. If there is notmore thantwo input, the data being displayed on the [Home] screenjustbefore will be copied. Enter a file name for identification inthe"File Name?" Field. (If you do not enter it, the system willgive afile name made from date and time.) Click the "CSV" foldericon toswitch to the file selection screen, You can select a datafile inCSV format. ("CSV" folder icon appears when "Option-*Use CSVdata*"in the [Settings] screen is checked.) If the numbers areseparatedby commas (,) or semicolons (;), check the appropriatecharactersin "Additional Delimiter". When data entry is complete,click the"OK" button. [My Data] This is a selection screen of saveddatafile. Touch the list to select the data file. You can delete itbyswiping. [Edit] This is a screen to edit data of the selectedfile.Touch the data you want to modify, a new data input dialogwill bedisplayed. You can delete the data by swiping. You can adddata byclicking the "+" button. (You can enter multiple dataseparated bya space.) [Take a glance] You can test how the scatterplot changeswith the specified "sample size" and "correlationcoefficient".Click the "OK" button to generate random data and drawa scatterplot. (The larger the sample size, the longer it will taketocalculate. It is recommended to try at around 500 at most.)[Settings] - Scatter plot - *Range of the horizontal axis[AUTO]*ON: The system sets the appropriate horizontal axis range.OFF: Youcan set the minimum value and maximum value of thehorizontal axisto the desired range. *Range of the vertical axis[AUTO]* ON: Thesystem sets the appropriate vertical axis range.OFF: You can setthe minimum value and maximum value of the verticalaxis to thedesired range. - Histogram - *Class interval [AUTO]* ON:The systemsets the appropriate class width. OFF: Class width can beset tothe desired value. *Decimal digits* You can set the numberofdecimal places for various numbers. (Set between 0 and 15)-Options - *Display confidence interval* ON: Calculate / displaytheconfidence interval of the correlation coefficient and theaveragevalue. You can select the confidence coefficient at 95% or90%.*Display median value* ON: Displays the median. *Use CSV datafile*ON: You can import CSV format files on the [New File]screen.*Additional Delimiter* When checked, in addition to thestandardspace character, comma (,) and semicolon (;) can be usedasdelimiters. +++++++++++++++++++++ We named this app "Sokan".Itsounds like the word for "correlation" in Japanese.

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