Solar System 3D 1.0 APK

Solar System In 3D.
Explore our Solar System and get information about planets.

This app includes:

- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Uranus
- Neptune
- Pluto

- Sun

Natural Satellites:
- Earth -- Moon
- Mars -- Phobos & Deimos
- Jupiter-- Io & Europa

This app also contains information about stars, planets,andsatellites.

Other App Features:
- High-definition material.
- Change orbit speed of any star, planet, and satellite.
- Get all the details and information about star, planet,andsatellite.
- Zoom.

The best part is: This app contains no any ads. This appiscompletely free.

What is Solar System?

The Solar System is the gravitationally bound systemcomprisingthe Sun and the objects that orbit it, either directlyorindirectly. Of those objects that orbit the Sun directly,thelargest eight are the planets, with the remainderbeingsignificantly smaller objects, such as dwarf planets andsmallSolar System bodies. Of the objects that orbit the Sunindirectly,the moons, two are larger than the smallest planet,Mercury.

The Solar System formed 4.6 billion years ago fromthegravitational collapse of a giant interstellar molecular cloud.Thevast majority of the system's mass is in the Sun, with most oftheremaining mass contained in Jupiter. The four smallerinnerplanets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, are terrestrialplanets,being primarily composed of rock and metal. The four outerplanetsare giant planets, being substantially more massive thantheterrestrials. The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are gasgiants,being composed mainly of hydrogen and helium; the twooutermostplanets, Uranus and Neptune, are ice giants, beingcomposed mostlyof substances with relatively high melting pointscompared withhydrogen and helium, called volatiles, such as water,ammonia andmethane. All planets have almost circular orbits thatlie within anearly flat disc called the ecliptic.

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