Spanish Adventure 1 APK

What this is: The purpose of this game istoteach Spanish must-to-know words and phrases inreal-lifesituations. Experts agree that this style of learningworks betterthan rote memorization. Also, it's 10 times more fun!

What this is not: A full-blown AAA-style blockbuster videogamethat would entertain hardcore gamers for countless hours.Themissions in this game will be straightforward and close toreallife.

How to play:

1. Move player by tapping on the target point. He will walk toitautomatically. If walking is too slow for you, double-tap onthetarget point and he will run!

2. Talk with characters by tapping on the "talk" iconthatappears when you first tap on the character.

3. You can inspect items (water bottle, ATM, etc.) by tappingonthe "look" icon. You can use an item by tapping on the"cog"icon.

4. During dialogs between the player and the characters, youcanrepeat each phrase as many times as you wish. To do that,simplyswitch to the Manual mode and use the “Repeat” button. Whenin theManual mode, move to the next phrase by tapping on the“Next”button.

1. For better memorization, use the Manual mode and repeatphrasesaloud.

2. Not sure what the characters say? Switch subtitlesbetweenEnglish and Spanish (Menu>Options>Language).

3. Use Menu>Save and Menu>Load to quickly jump todifferentparts of the game.

More missions will be added in the future. Please use theFeedbackbutton inside the app to share your opinion andsuggestions.

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