Spell 2 L Autism Series 1.0.2 APK

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App best viewed in landscape mode.

♦ What image comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘Square’ and‘Blue’? Get to learn about all the shapes and colors with the helpof an app called iLNE Spell 2 L – Autism Series. WebTeamCorporation has designed this app to help children on the spectrumlearn about different shapes and colors in an interactive way.

The app offers rewards for each correct response, and lets theuser share his/her score on Facebook and Twitter.

As we know, the recommendation of 40 hours per week of ABAprogramming as employed by Lovaas’s study has been cited by manyparents as being vital to their child’s success. The NationalResearch Council’s 2001 report (p. 184) summarizes the skillsnecessary for implementing an effective ABA program as:

“Teachers must be familiar with theory and research concerningbest practices for children with autistic spectrum disorders,including methods of applied behavior analysis, naturalisticlearning, incidental teaching, assistive technology, socialization,communication, inclusion, adaptation of the environment, languageinterventions, assessment, and the effective use of data collectionsystems. Specific problems in generalization and maintenance ofbehaviors also affect the need for training in methods of teachingchildren with autistic spectrum disorders. The wide range of IQscores and verbal skills associated with autistic spectrumdisorders, from profound mental retardation and severe languageimpairments to superior intelligence make the need for training ofpersonnel even greater.”

The content is reviewed and approved by the expert educators andresearchers from the Autism industry and are based on ABA therapy(the only scientifically-validated treatment for children withdevelopmental disabilities, special education needs or autism).

***About WebTeam Corporation***

Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is a Somerset-basedmobile application development firm that has pioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprising screening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-based autism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchers and otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entire life-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.

By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeam replicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, thereby makingthese necessary services available to the under-served populationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertise necessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.

WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,which was awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful Answers Awardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share data efficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimately solve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmental disorders.

Credits: Voice over by Nishali Parikh

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