Steak Stopwatch 1.0 APK

Steak timer is made for those who knowshowto make a good steak! This app does not tell you to makeyourmeat 20minutes! This bbq and grill timer is a tool helping youtoknow how much time your steaks spend on your grill and warn youtoflip them or take them off.

You can easily set type of steak and timing, andapplicationhelps you prepare steaks rare, medium or well done. Withquality ofmeat, timing is the most important aspect for steakpreparationsuccess.

Enjoy this steak timer (and your steaks)!

* Steak timer for each of your guests or their steaks
* You can set name of guest for each piese of meat
* Set type of meat
* Warning when steaks are ready to flip or eat
* No Ads

Grilling is a form of cooking that involves dry heat applied tothesurface of food, commonly from above or below (as inNorthAmerica). It is sometimes referred to as barbecuing but thatwordcan also mean a different cooking technique.

The more tender cuts of beef, from the loin and rib, arecookedquickly, using dry heat, and served whole. Less tender cutsfromthe chuck or round are cooked with moist heat or aremechanicallytenderized (e.g. cube steak). Steak can be cooked to alevel ofvery rare (bleu, a cold raw center), rare, medium rare,medium,medium well done, or well done.
Beef, unlike certain other meats, does not need to becookedthrough. Food-borne human illnesses are not normally foundwithin abeef steak, though surfaces can potentially be contaminatedfromhandling, and thus, very rare steak (seared on the outside andrawwithin) is generally accepted as safe.

Rib steak
It is a beef steak sliced from the rib primal of a beef animal,withrib bone attached. In the United States, the term rib eyesteak isused for a rib steak with the bone removed; however insome areas,and outside the U.S., the terms are often usedinterchangeably. Therib eye or "ribeye" was originally, as thename implies, the centerbest portion of the rib steak, without thebone.

Sirloin steak
A part of the sirloin part of the cow which is near the cow'srear,the nearer the meat is from the rear, the meat is likely to bemoretender like the rump steak.
Although there are two parts of the sirloin: upper sirloinisgenerally more expensive than the lower sirloin because it ismoretender.
Sirloin steaks are often served at steakhouses and areoftenaccompanied with French fries and vegetables such asbroccoli,carrot or peas. They are usually cooked by being grillingorfrying.

T-bone and Porterhouse steaks
A T-bone steak or Porterhouse steak is a steak that comes fromtheshort loin which is at the cow's lower back area. Whenbeingprocessed, these steaks are normally cut nearer to the frontof theanimal with an area of tenderloin still attached.Porterhousesteaks have a larger tenderloin section thanT-bones.

T-bone steaks are commonly grilled, broiled or occasionallyfriedso that the outside is browned while the inside is maintainedtodesired doneness – usually from rare to medium rare, althoughthiscut of steak, when well aged, will retain its tenderness evenifwell done..

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