Strava Location Based Game 1.0.1 APK

A location based game using yourStrava®Activities.
As you ride with your bike or go running outside you earn pointsforevery area which you went through. An Area is a small piece oflandin the size of 1 or 2 football fields. The activitiesgetsautomatically synced from your Strava®-Account when you starttheapp after allowing us to sync your activities at the firstusage.So you don't have to worry about tracking your ride/runwithanother App. Just use Strava as normally with yourBike-Computer orAndroid-Phone.
The athlete with the most point at an area is the king of thisarea.Which means that he most often visited this area fromallathletes.
On a Map you see all your areas where you are the king and alsoallothers. By clicking on one of the areas you see the currentking(name + Profile-Image) with his points and your points atthisArea, if you also have visited this area.
You can also select one (or more) of your activities to seethetrack on the map for knowing which areas you get on aspecificride/run.
To scroll fast to another city/place on the earth enter the nameinthe search-bar after clicking the search icon.

This Location Based Game is only a first version. In thefuturethere will be ranking list showing the Kings of citys,federalstates, countries, continents or the whole world.
So the aim of this game is to conquer as many areas in yourdistrictby exploring new routes and doing sports as often aspossibly.
If you find any issues or bugs, please write us a
We would also hear from you guys which features you want infutureversions of this App.

* Strava is a Trademark or a registered Trademark of theStravaInc. (500 3rd Street #110, San Francisco, CA 94107,USA).
We are not related in any sense to this company, we just usetheirpublic API.

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