Strobe TV (Chromecast app) 1.0 APK

Use Strobe TV-app combined with aGoogleChromecast on your TV to make a strobe light of your TV.

You can change interval in settings if you want to. It'salsopossible to switch between classic black/white light ormultiplecolor-modus in settings.

For all gabbers, ravers, techno lovers, headbangers andhipstersout there who are on a party without a stroboscope!

* TV with Google Chromecast
* Android smartphone with Strobe-app and with Google PlayServicesinstalled
* Chromecast device and Android smartphone connected tosameWiFi-network
* Working internet connection

Copyright / Privacy statement:
* Statistics are used to measure the usage of the application.Thisdata will be used to improve the application
* Use on own risk. The creator of this app is not responsibleforany damage to your Android phone, Chromecast, TV, or anyotherdevice

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Strobe light, stroboscope, stroboscopic, stroboscoop

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