Superpark Dachstein 4.0.0 APK

Everyone knows the famous Superpark on theDachstein glacier as one of the best funparks the Europeanfreestylers have ever seen. In 2004, the park became a member ofthe QParks family.

Over the past few years, the Dachstein glacier with its famousSuperpark has developed into a new Mecca for the local andinternational freestyle scene. Since snowboard professional BerndMandlberger made his shaping debut in 2000, the park has constantlybeen improved and perfectly maintained. Although the terrain isspatially limited, the park crew still manages to surprise us yearafter year with lots of innovative obstacles.

That’s what your Superpark Dachstein App is able to do indetail

Park Status
Is the park open? How does the setup actually look like atm? Withthe new App you always stay up to date and you can even startplanning your run through the park on your way up to the mountain.All information is live and late-breaking directly out of the park:From the shape crew to your smartphone.

From now on, you will always have current articles, teasers andevent reports with you in your pocket. Moreover, the new commentfeature allows you to comment and share all news straight forwardwith the App.

Shredalicious or goggletime, hoodie or rather putting over an extralayer? With just one click you know which equipment to bring on themountain – including a 2 days forecast.

Videos and Galleries
Motivation needed? Whether twintip action or sick snowboard power –Check out the galleries and edits of all the film and photosessions taking place at the park – no matter when, no matter whereyou are!

You always want to be kept updated about when a new obstacle is setup at your park? By notification, you get all important informationstraight away and comfortably to your smartphone.

App Information