Susan G Komen for the cure 1.1 APK

This specific app was created because therearemany people (both men and women) who are affected by breastcancerin the United States. According to the Center for DiseaseControl,aside from non-melanoma skin cancer, breast cancer is themostcommon cancer among women in the United States (2010).Alsoaccording to the United States Breast Cancer Statistics, oneineight women and one in one-thousand men will developinvasivebreast cancer over his or her lifetime (2011). BreastCancer isalso one of the leading causes of cancer death among womenof allraces and Hispanic origin populations (CDC, 2010).

The breast cancer app is free but we are asking that youponderthe idea of giving ten dollars to the Susan G. KomenFoundationwhich is foundation that is making strides to cure breastcancer!If you would like more information regarding the Susan G.KomenFoundation please visit their website at small donation will touch many heartsand lives and helpAmerica fight to find a cure for breastcancer.

RohrerX Development

Center for Disease Control:

United States Breast Cancer Statistics:

Susan G. Komen Foundation:

App Information