Taher Cyclist 3.2 APK

I am Taher. S. Madraswala. I havetraveledthroughout the world for 17 years on bicycle for themessage ofuniversal peace and brotherhood with Raza and Dua MubarakofSpiritual leader of my community (Dawoodi Bohra) Late Dr.SyednaMohammad Burhanuddin R.A and Almighty God, covering nearly125000kilometers in 32 countries of Africa, Middle-east, Europe,Asia,Australia, Pacific Islands and North America. I havepedaledthrough cold wintery winds and among hot desert storms. Ihavecrossed jungles and wild life, mountains and valleys, villagesandcities. I have met people of different races, colors, religionsandlanguages; from the poorest to richest, from the uneducatedtoeducated, from the governed to governs, from the most sick tothehealthy. I have been welcomed, applauded, appreciated andhonoredon one hand and ridiculed, robbed, jailed and scorned on theotherhand. I have faced death and hunger, war and peace and allthis foruniversal peace and brotherhood that I undertook cyclingexpeditionaround the world.

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