Tasks IQ: To-Do List Calendar 1.0.0 APK

Stay on top of life's everyday challenges with Tasks IQ, a simpleyet powerful to-do list app and task manager designed to helporganize and prioritize your daily tasks and to-dos in a logical,intelligent manner for maximum productivity. Find out how thishighly flexible to-do list app can handle your to-dos, grocerylist, shopping list, checklists, gift lists, project managementneeds or just as a handy notepad! Quick and easy to-do list entrythat can sync with Google Tasks Adding new tasks and to-dos isextremely fast and convenient. Tasks created via Google Tasks canalso be automatically synced to Tasks IQ. Calendar View plus syncwith Google Calendar Get a quick overview of your upcoming tasks,to-dos and events while simultaneously makes adding date-basedtasks even faster using the new Calendar widget. Events in yourGoogle Calendar will also show here, helping you avoid doublebooking yourself when setting deadlines to your various tasks.Reminders & Auto-Repeating Tasks Never forget to perform acritical task. Use Task IQ's reminder service to alert yourselfwhen a task's deadline is approaching. For tasks with a recurringschedule, you can set them to repeat and it will show upautomatically on your todo list the next time! Auto-Prioritize yourtasks and to-dos Tasks IQ's uses a date-based approach toautomatically prioritize your tasks. Tasks with due dates areautomatically sorted by earliest due dates at the top of your tasklists. Urgent Tasks indicator Of course, we know that often-timespriorities do change, so tasks can also be flagged as 'Urgent' toquickly move it to the top your checklist. Attach Images, Files& URLs Enrich your task list with attachments such as photos,documents & URLs and access them directly in Tasks IQ. You canalso create tasks directly via your device Gallery or any app withthe Share function. Unlimited To-do Lists With Tasks IQ, you canorganize your tasks into as many task lists as needed. However, youcan still view them all collectively via an All-Tasks overview.Home-screen Widget Tasks IQ comes equipped with a handy home screento-do list widget to view all pending tasks and to-dos or onlythose from a single list. Mark items off your grocery list,shopping list, packing list etc straight from the widget, orquickly add new ones. Secure Backup & Cloud Sync with GoogleFirebase Securely backup & manage your task & todo listsacross multiple devices with cloud sync, powered by GoogleFirebase. Complete list of smart features: - Cloud Sync acrossdifferent devices with Google Tasks using official Google Tasks API- Task reminder notifications for one-time/repeating tasks - Tasks/ todo lists entries with due dates can be set to repeatautomatically with flexible recurrence schedule - Send urgent tasksto the top of your list with one quick action - View/manage GoogleCalendar events - Calendar Widget for an overview of all upcomingtask and events - Sort your to-do lists anyway you want -Calendar-style date picker with quick date pickers lets you quicklyset due dates for your to-do items with deadlines. - Navigatebetween task lists easily by swiping - Enter tasks into your to-dolist with voice entry - Home Screen To-do List Widget to quicklyview pending tasks with shortcuts to add or view tasks -Backup/restore data to local storage Whether it's a shopping list,packing list, gift list or any other type of checklist, Tasks IQgot you covered with it's uniquely flexible approach to listorganization. Download Tasks IQ now and give it a try! PermissionsGET_ACCOUNTS: Obtain Google Accounts on device for Google Tasks andGoogle Calendar Sync Follow us on Facebook(https://www.facebook.com/tasksiq/) For support and online helparticles, please visit our website at: http://www.tasksiq.com TasksIQ is proudly brought to you by Handy Apps.

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