Tee Off Times 1.0 APK

Building mutually exclusive tee off timesmeansthat each team will play with one another for the first time.If alltee offs in a game have this property, the game ismutuallyexclusive.

The maximum number of mutually exclusive games is finite.Itdepends on the number of teams in the group, the number of teamsattee off and the number of constraints between players. Thisappwill calculate this number. The maximum is called "AbsoluteMAX".All possibilities under this "Absolute MAX" are called"RelativeMax".

All tee off times will be generated but games over themaximum(relative or absolute) will have tee offs withrepetitions.

It saves time for an administrator of the league by makinghisplanning faster in a scientific way. This app uses analgorithmdeveloped exclusively for golf.

Algorithms optimize the following criteria :
- Every team must play with all other teams, if itispossible.
- Distribute repetitions the most uniformly among all teams.
- Repetitions will be spaced out.
- Reach "Absolute MAX".

Two (2) reports are made to help you to visualizeglobaldistribution of repetitions for each team.

All this is now as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Spend less time planning and more time playing golf.

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