Teenage Bedroom Designs 5.0 APK

Organizing a teen girl's room in a waythatworks for her lifestyle -- and makes it easy for her tomaintain --will likely result in less conflict between the teen andherparents. Even the tidiest teen could probably benefit frombetterorganization skills. Learning how to keep things organizedwill aidthe teen later in life when multitasking makes stayingorganizedalmost a necessity.

Prepare for the organizing process by removing everything fromeverycloset, drawer and corner in the room. Move everything toanotherroom or pile it in the center of the bedroom. Startingfresh withnothing in the way will make it easier to determine theideal placeto put things.

Set up baskets or boxes to represent different designations, suchas"keep," "unsure," "donate" and "trash." Separate everything soyouknow how many things need to be stored. For example, let go ofanyclothing that hasn't been worn in more than a year, as wellasclothes that don't fit and clothes that she doesn't like.Keeppictures and memories that have personal significance, but getridof anything that isn't really special. For instance, thetrophieswon in third grade may mean something to the teen, buttheValentine's Day cards from the same year probably don't.

A teen girl's room can never be too big, which means space isalwaysan issue. Organizing things frees up a lot of unused spaceand makesthe room more enjoyable to be in. Every item she uses,treasures orkeeps should have its own home. Plan where you plan tostore itemsaccording to where she uses them. Make a map or draw afloor plan ofthe bedroom to design different areas or zones whereshe typicallydoes certain things and plan to store the items inthe area wherethey are used. If it's easy to put things away, sheis more likelyto put them away rather than leave them out. Forexample, storepaper, pens and other supplies at a desk (if thereis one) orwherever she does homework, draws, reads or writes.Jewelry, makeupand accessories should be near a mirror or dressingtable. Placecell phone or personal music player chargers where shetypicallycharges those items.

Choose a storage system that fits in with her design styleandlifestyle. If she loves to read and has a lot of books or ifshehas awards or things she likes to display, use an open bookshelforwall shelves. Clear plastic containers store other items, suchasout-of-season clothes and extra bedding. Use decorativeboxes,baskets or containers to store private or unsightly things,such asletters and chargers.

The Closet
Use the closet to its fullest potential. Hang clothes accordingtowhat they are, such as sweatshirts, tops, jeans, skirts orbycolor, whichever way works best for her. Keep shoes organizedbyusing a shoe rack on the floor or behind the door. A laundryhampercan sit in the corner of the closet or near the dresser,whereveris most convenient. The top of the closet can store clear,labeledcontainers full of out-of-season clothes, old memories,extrabedding and anything else that does not require immediate,handyaccess.

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