The Burn Fund 4.5.0 APK

Download the The Firefighters ofSouthernNevada Burn Foundation Mobile App for our Upcoming Events,Sign upto Volunteer, Donate to the Cause and more!

Our Mission

* Provide assistance to burn victims and families.
* Assist Las Vegas residents after catastrophic events as aresourceto fire agencies and the community.
* Support children during the holidays.
* Further education and awareness of fire and life safety.

About Us

The Firefighters of Southern Nevada Burn Foundation consistsoffire department active personnel from Las Vegas Fire &Rescue,Clark County, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Nellis Air ForceBaseFire Departments and NV National Security Site Fire&Rescue.

While fighting fires, firefighters witnessed many burnvictimsand their families suffer physically and emotionallyafterultimately losing their homes and necessities. Thesefirefightersfrom across the valley decided to do something to help.They beganholding fund raisers so that they could give financialsupport tothese victims of fire. At this time, the firefightersalso began towork closely with the Burn Unit at UMC hospital inhelping to carefor these victims, in a joint effort to help thosefamilies in needafter such a catastrophic event.

The common practice developed into the following:Whenfirefighters anywhere in the valley were faced with a burnvictimor family in need of support, they would contact arepresentativeof this coalition to help out.

Due to the firefighters' success in helping others andraisingfunds, this coalition began to take it further in thecommunity andbegan to collect Christmas toys for the disadvantagedchildrenthroughout the valley and have provided thousands ofchildren inneed at least one gift during the holidays. For over 8years, theyhave held successful Toy Drives and given back to thechildren inour community. Five years ago, they took another step tofurtherthe assistance by holding a yearly Firefighter BachelorAuctionwhich has brought in funding for the many families andcharities inthe community for support.

In 2003 it became apparent that it was time for this coalitiontobecome a formal charity itself. They became a (501c3)charitableorganization and continue today to provide support tothosefamilies in need throughout Southern Nevada.

How We Help

Victims of fire, injury and/or illness receive assistancefromthe FFSNBF. In 2007, 48 Las Vegas valley familiesreceivedassistance.

After the Fire is Out program

We partner with the American Red Cross to help residentsofSouthern Nevada who are victims of home fires.
* Support to fire victims after a fire is out via ARC (AmericanRedCross) partnership
* Provide support to victims of a catastrophic event,includingassisting with funeral costs
* Send Las Vegas Valley children to Burn Camp
* Supplying burn victims with equipment needed to recover

Burn Survivor Initiative

Each year, thousands of children receive traumaticburnsthroughout the USA. In Las Vegas alone, the scars caused byburnsaffect hundreds of our kids each year. These scars must bewornphysically and emotionally for the remainder of their lives.Pleasejoin us as the Burn Survivor Initiative raises funds to helpmorechildren attend the following upcoming events:

* Camp Beyond the Scars Summer Camp
* World Burn Conference
* Winter Burn Camp

Thank you for helping the Firefighters of Southern NVBurnFoundation raise funds and awareness of our community inneed,After The Fire Is Out!

Our App Includes Great Features Like:

-Upcoming Events
-Sign up to Volunteer
-Donate to the Cause
-Image Galleries
-Social Sharing
-And Much More!

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