The CEO SleepOut™ 1.2 APK

The CEO SleepOut™ Brand was born out ofaglobal need to reinvent the way we look at philanthropy. Itasksbusiness leaders to commit to looking beyond profitstowardspurpose, to create positive social change.
A catalyst for this change is The CEO SleepOut™event, whichseesbusiness leaders Rise to the Challenge and spend the night onTheNelson Mandela Bridge on 28 July 2016.

They’ll sleep on the streets, for one winter’s night, withacolleague, student and matric learner with exceptionalleadershipqualities. They are our our #4Leaders 4Change, who willraise fundsand empathy for the homeless.

This year’s event focuses on the crucial role education playsineradiating homelessness. That’s the important area where allraisedfunds will be allocated, to our Beneficiary Partners; ASHATrust,Columba Leadership and The Steve Biko Foundation.

Supporter events will also take place around the countryunderour satellite brands. The Sympathy SleepOut™will see employeesandstaff SleepOut™ at their office park, The Student SleepOut™willsee students SleepOut™ on campus and The School SleepOut™ willseelearners and teachers SleepOut™ on school grounds, insolidarity,hand-in-hand with the current and future businessleaders on theBridge. These are part of the national call to actionthat says#SouthAfricaMustRise

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