The Depression Predictor 1.0.5 APK

Depression is a serious medical conditionthataffects up to one in eight people.

It is chemical in nature, NOT a sign of personal weakness - itisnot all in your head!

The Depression Predictor was created by a doctor to helpthosegrappling with Depression – in themselves or loved ones –becomemore aware of its signs and symptoms. This app is intendedforinformation purposes only and not intended as a substituteforprofessional help. You use this app to learn more about thediseaseof Depression and then come closer to understanding if youor aloved one might be suffering from it.

The Depression Predictor uses a collection of questionsaboutlife situations, that when put together, have the abilitytopredict if and how depressed someone might be. These questionshavebeen validated with research in many publications in peerreviewjournals. The goal is to indicate if someone might bedepressed andhow much so to then provide education and optionsavailable.

It also explores the factors in life known to be associatedwithfuture risk of depression. From this analysis, people learn ofwhatin their life places them at risk. People use this app inprivateto learn more about something a lot of people wonderabout.

* Depression Questionnaire
* Present Depression Risk calculator
* Future Depression Risk Calculator
* Articles explaining the signs and symptoms of Depression

This app is designed to help people learn the signs andsymptomsof a common disease that afflicts millions of people everyyear.Through education and understanding we hope to break downthecommon myths of depression:

It is not all in your head!

You cannot just wish it away!

It is not an attitude problem!

Know that it is a chemical disease much like many otherdiseasesincluding rheumatoid arthritis, pancreatitis andthyroiditis.

The Doctor Says Inc. wants people to be generally besaferbecause they know more.

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