The DreamScape - Awareness... 0.12.13087.80368 APK

Travel into New Realms of Awareness,Adventure, and Insight
The DreamScape - A Portal Into Creative Dreaming by Leigh Spusta -internationally recognized brainwave audio entrainment expert andhypnotherapist.

Would you like to tap into your innate resources and expand thepower of your mind, explore the vastness of imagination andcreativity, develop spiritual insight, embark on adventure? Thisaudio program guides you into a very resourceful state ofawareness, much like the rich quality of lucid dreaming, and infact can aid in having more lucid dreams.

Allow yourself to be gently guided into a state of body-asleep /mind-awake, a twilight state of awareness that is marked by anexpanded consciousness, much like that of a lucid dream. Afterbringing you into a very deep relaxation, you will find yourselfconjuring up the very feeling of being in a dream as you navigatethrough a beautiful environment. At the end of the imagery journey,you are invited to explore this realm for yourself, and discoverthe insight and adventure that is available to you in TheDreamScape.

This program utilizes advanced hypnosis and imagery techniquesto effortlessly guide you into this wonderful state of awareness.Targets a low alpha and theta brainwave state. Utilizing PsimatiX™proprietary audio technology. This recording is one continuous 40minute track.The bonus 20 minute music track can be used alone forself hypnosis, meditation, and to unwind.

Do not use while driving or operating machinery. This appstreams via 3G or wifi connection.

Leigh Spusta is a behavioral scientist, hypnotherapist, andCertified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator specializing in the useof sound frequencies to produce deep, relaxing trance states. Hehas worked with several therapists in Los Angeles, producing avariety of therapeutic audio cds. Leigh combines his talents as amusician and his knowledge of hypnosis and related states, in aneffort to pioneer new approaches in creating rich, resonantsound-scapes for greater efficacy in healing and meditativeproducts. Leigh is the developer of the proprietary PsimatiX™therapeutic approaches and technologies.

Brainwave Entrainment / Binaural Beats / Isochronic Tones /Monaural Beats / Vibro-acoustics / Hemispheric Synchronization /Alpha State / Theta State / Delta State / Relaxation / Hypnosis /Hypnotic Music / Meditation / Stress Reduction / Tension Release /Chakra Alignment - Attunement - Balancing / Harmony / SchumannResonance / Frequency / Mind Audio / Trance / Healing / Therapy

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