Toggle Lock 0.9 APK

This app is designed to enable you to toggle your phone securityfrom enabled to disabled and back again without having to gothrough the device settings menus. This is very useful if you donot like having to enter your security PIN, Pattern or Passwordwhen you are at home, but then want to easily enable security witha single click when you leave home so that your device is safe whenyou are out. The app includes a setup screen and a re-sizable 1x1toggle widget. The widget can be used to quickly toggle thesecurity setting between enabled and disabled. The widget showsgreen when security is enabled, and red when security is disabled.Display notifications can be set on or off to show when securityhas been disabled. If notifications are set to on, a warning iconis displayed in the notification bar when security is disabled(note, not when security is enabled). The notification can then beselected to quickly re-enable security. Note that when you re-startyour device, even if you had previously disabled security, you willbe required to enter your PIN, Pattern or Password. After you havekeyed the code in the first time after re-start, the security willthen be automatically disabled again if that was the setting beforeyou switched your device off. IMPORTANT NOTES: ★ When designingthis app, it was not possible to leave a slide or swipe only screenin place when security is disabled, as the security programmingsettings within Android only allow me to turn off securitycompletely, rather than change the type of security that iscurrently set. Some people have fed back that it would be useful toleave the slide or swipe security screen in place, but I'm afraidthat this is just not possible with the programming settingsavailable within Android. ★ Samsung seem to have de-activated someof the security programming settings within some of their versionsof Android, which means that whilst my app works on some versionsof Samsung's Android software, and many other manufacturer'sphones, the app does not appear to work on many Samsung versions ofAndroid. I'm afraid this is down to Samsung, not my app, andunfortunately there is nothing that I can do to make my app work inthese instances. ★ In Android version 4.0.n (ICS), when devicesecurity is disabled, selecting a notification will display thelock screen. This is a known bug in this version of Android. Onceyou have re-entered your pattern, PIN or password, device securitywill be disabled again without having to toggle security settingsmanually. Keywords: Enable Disable Security Keyguard On Off PatternPIN Password Lock Unlock

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