treatment and diseases 2.0 APK

Lack of appetite
Causes loss of appetite for food
Dates And Milk
Anorexia Nervosa
What the treatment of anorexia nervosa?

What is the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS)
what are the symptoms of AIDS
How is it transmitted the AIDS virus
How to diagnose AIDS and how to treat it
Are there any herbal medicines or nutritional supplements useful inreducing AIDS or help to give AIDS patients live longer

Pancreatic diseases
Are there any herbs to treat diseases of the pancreas
The vehicle described for the treatment of gallstonepancreatitis

Thinness anemia and weak body
Is your weight proportional to height actually
Or do you slim
 How do you know the ideal weight proportional to your height?To see it simple arithmetic
 Herbal medicines and animal thinness and derivatives
Causes loss of appetite for food
Recipe private open appetite and obesity
 Dates and milk .. natural sources appetite and nourish theobjects meager
Natural Resources to open the appetite and strengthen the objectsmeager

Herbal medicines used for weight loss
Are you obese (fleshy)
Are you overweight than normal
 how do you know that
Tips must be followed to lose weight

 Is your weight properly and proportionate to yourheight
Are you a severe obesity? Do you face health problems due to yourweight?

Diarrhea and vomiting
Situations that require going to the doctor
In the absence of any one of these factors can be the situation inthe home care
Treatment of diarrhea
Treatment of vomiting (Trash)

Constipation and gas in the abdomen
 Bulges and gases in the stomach and intestines
A proven way to treat constipation, God willing,
Constipation due to imbalance in the normal bodily functions suchas

skin diseases
The treatment of leprosy
 Treat skin smell of corruption
To remove black spots
How do I remove the (black) located in the elbows and knees
How do I remove the (black) located in under the eyes
What are the medicinal herbs and vegetable oils used in the FootCare
Fungus disease

What to do with acne
What is acne What are the causes
 What are the things that reduce the appearance of acne
What are the methods for the treatment of acne by using herbs

 Hair diseases
Treatment of hair loss and scaly head herbal

Sexual dysfunction / premature ejaculation / tuition Alabap
Sexual impotence
The most successful treatment of depression medications for quickfling
Women's rapid ejaculation
Best cure for premature ejaculation

skin diseases

 Hair diseases

Session problems

Pregnancy and lactation
  Uterine diseases

Bone and joint diseases

Inflammation of the synovial sac and nerves

Oral / hoarseness diseases

Infected "Achammm"

Ear Infections

Poisoning, and insect bite

Pediatric bedwetting

Kidney stones, pebble bladder, gallstones

Fecal incontinence

Kidney failure Foot Care - Nail foot (Alcalo)
  Holistic and Tjmla

Treatment of burns

Sexual dysfunction / premature ejaculation / tuition Alabap



Infertility cholesterol, blood pressure
Chest Diseases sadness and gloom colds and flu
Sadr allergic rhinitis and insomnia, inability to sleep, fatigueand lethargy
Headache treatment of memory impairment
  Medical epilepsy

Acidity, ulcers, colon liver disease (jaundice, Abu yolk)


Constipation and gas in the abdomen

Spleen disease
Thinness, anemia, obesity and overweight Is your weight properlyand proportionate to your height?
Lack of appetite AIDS l pancreatic diseases
With camel milk treatment and cure cancer treatment Oboualha Zamzamwater
Pollen entrance to the treatment of cancer with gum bee therapytreatment
Cancer treatment and herbal therapy ruqyah name of bees cancertreatment called Herbal

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