TreeHouseDesignIdea 1.0 APK

Tree houses are fun, bonding activities youcando with your friends or family, and can provide a unique andidealhangout spot surrounded by Mother nature. One of thebiggestdifferences in my opinion, between tree houses and otheron-groundadd-ons you can build on your property, is the fact that ahouse upin the trees sways - to varying degrees depending on theheight andsize of the tree and branches - and thus can add a uniqueandsoothing feel.

There are several prerequisites that must be met beforethisparticular project would be considered feasible for you. Thefirstones are also the most obvious:
Do you have a suitable tree within your property on which youcanconstruct your tree house? This question may be ambiguous tosome,as what kind of tree exactly is considered suitable? Well,thisdepends largely on the size of the structure in question, aswellas the expected load - number of people, furnishings, etc.Thelarger your tree house is, the larger your tree needs tobe.
How are you with heights? Now is not a good time to kid yourselforanyone else if you happen to be abnormally scared of heights!We'reall scared of heights to varying degrees, but if you lackthecourage or ability to comfortably work at the needed height,thisproject may not be for you.
Now that we have those out of the way, we can get into theotheraspects of building. When compared with a structure on theground,a tree house may somehow seem like a simpler project due tothefact that some of us have grown up "throwing" little makeshifttreehouses up here and there. However, it's important to rememberthatany halfway decent structure, whether on the ground or up inatree, requires careful planning and implementation ofstandardsafety code.
Large tree houses that weigh more than the collective weightoftheir occupants should be designed carefully, as variousfactorssuch as the hardness of the tree and fastener quality anddesigncome more into play. Wood will compress where the fastenersconnectto the tree to varying degrees based on the hardness of thetree inquestion, causing a sinking of the tree house.

So what are you waiting? Here is the perfect place to findmanyideas about tree house design around the world! Download ourappfor further inspiration! Granted, it can be built relatively lowtothe ground as well and still be called a "tree house" - inwhichcase, this may not apply.

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